Japan, the Country of Productives

Land of the Rising Sun (Read: Japan) has been long known for its diverse culture, sophisticated technologies, and long history. Japan's history traced back to the 30.000 B.C., quite a well-known era of ancient civilization. Japan is known for its samurai, sumo, ninja, et cetera.

What made Japan so 'well-developed'?

The answer begins from the Feudal Era, which was ruled by samurai. During that era, peoples were taught strict disciplines. They were obliged to bow every time they meet people and kneel every time they serve food or drink for guests. Furthermore, the warriors introduced a harsh culture called 'harakiri'Harakiri is a method to commit suicide by stabbing oneself's stomach by katana (long sword). Harakiri was a consequence when a warrior failed to finish his mission. Those cultures have been influencing the descendants and are on nowadays' Japanese blood.

Japan had been through ups and downs. Japan was on the verge of destruction on World War II after two of United States' atomic bomb, Little Boy and Fat Man, hit Japan's two most advanced harbor by the time, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. To make it worse, with severe damage and massive casualties, Japan still had to bear the loss of the war.

How did Japan recover so quickly?

Most of us will be wondering how did Japan recover so quickly. Even Detroit couldn't develop itself well within a century. The answers are Discipline AND Productivity. Most of the Japanese strive productivity. They tend to work overtime to finish all their job.

I visited Japan last month. During my vacation, the officials were repairing roads at Ryogoku. They managed to repair a 3km road within half a day! And of course, that includes dismantling, repairing, and paving it back.

Seeing that, I then realized: What if all people in this world strive productivity? The world will develop better and faster. And there will be less poverty and unemployment. Still, I'm impressed by Japanese.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan
