New Term of School

School Bus
Ah, it's time to go back to school, holidays are all over. It's okay for me, besides I can meet my great fellows again. You know, may be some of you are nervous when it's the first day of school. You want to looked handsome, cool, beautiful, and the other. But really, don't hope too much, or you'll be disappointed much. Some of you may be famous, or else normal, or less socially. Face doesn't matter, I'm telling you, all you have to be is kind, and honest. One note, if you feel you're being used, or just a coke which will be throw to the dustbin when it's empty, or going to be betrayed, just go away from them as fast as possible, otherwise you'll feel embarrassed. I told you, pride and name are difficult to be raised, so once it reach the top, don't ever look down, my pride and name has slammed twice or more because of my bad fellows, or You-Can-Guess-Who.

Back to the topic, for the new term of school, you may find new friends, classmates, best friends, teachers, there's some of them whose are fun, or may be boring, they're colourful, and many kind of them are different. Back to school, it's how all of us called it, right? It doesn't mean all of our stuffs are new, just our classes and books. Actually, we don't need new stationaries, new shoes, new bag, it's all if it's not broken..

Naughty kids, all of them might be annoying, or irritating, but they're funny of course, but not if they're all brash..

Ah well, my school is waiting, sorry if I wrote this just a little, because I'm in a hurry and I don't want to lose my school bus [hey, wait for me! I'm not prepared yet! I don't want to be late!] Well the, farewell everybody, nice to see you, thanks for you all who read this article, Good Bye *click*
