
Today, we're talking about the apocalypse, you know what's the meaning of apocalypse, right?
Yes, Apocalypse is the doomsday, no one knows for sure where, and when will it happen, but all of us knew that that will be happening soon.

But, we still don't know what will cause the apocalypse, either the eruption, the melting ice at the north pole, or else, there's many possibilities led to the apocalypse, the most dangerous, the Global Warming...

What can we do? Just wait until the end of our life? No, we can delay it, by saving the nature, and the universe. How? It's easy, reduces the using of vehicles, looks for the alternative fuel, there are many kinds of vehicles with alternative fuel, such as coffee, vegetable oil, chocolate, or the wind, really, I'm not lying, it's real.

Now let's talk about the wind-fuel car, it does not wind actually because the car didn't need any fuel, what we've got to do is just to let the machine got some wind into it. Well, quite astonishing, because the car can reach 60kmph.. quite surprising for the alternative fuel car.

But how about chocolate, coffee, or vegetable oil? For coffee, let's say it's okay because coffee didn't cost much, but how about chocolate and vegetable oil? It's such a waste of the money, although the chocolate alternative fuel car can reach 145mph, and the vegetable oil fuel gave traveled about half of America, including Grand Canyon.

Back to the topic,  why did I said that we've to reduce the use of vehicles? You know, vehicles change the fuel to gas, such as mono carbon monoxide, the gas was trapped inside the earth because the ozone won't let any gas goes in and out easily.And because of the gas was trapped, they made the temperature became hotter. You know, if gases are in one room, and they're much, the room will be stuffy, that's what happened to our earth

Anybody can say "Go Green", "Save Our Earth" easily, but will they really do it? Or they're just talking? [Ah, I remembered my silly action, my teacher ask me to make a poster and I wrote go green' on a paper]

The conclusion is.. there's no too late, we can still save the earth, so save your earth, so you can live long life happily.

It's all from me, I hope that can help to motivate you, or either may help you with your assignments.
Once again, I'm Gilbert Lazarus, I'm simple, simple is me.
Thank you for your concern to read my articles, and especially your concern about nature, please comment if you agree with me. Farewell, everyone
