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Now, I'm going to write the story..
First, there's only Nun, the dark waters of Chaos. Then, one day a hill came up from the water, a God of Creation named Atum, the first God, the finisher of the world. Then Atum coughed and spat out two Gods, Shu, the Air God, and Tefnut, Goddess of Moisture. Shu and Tefnut had two children, Geb, the Earth God, and Nut, the Sky Goddess. And Shu lifted Nut up so Nut became a canopy over Geb.
Nut and Geb had four children, Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nephthys. Osiris and Isis got married, Seth and Nephthys got married too. Osiris became the king of Earth, and Isis became the queen. Then Seth felt jealous with Osiris because Osiris was the ruler of the world, and Seth got angrier and angrier until one day, he killed Osiris. Then, Osiris became the ruler of Underworld, and Seth remained as the king of Earth. After that, Osiris and Isis had one son named Horus. Horus grew and grew. One Day, Horus challenged Seth and defeat Seth. Seth became the God of Evil, and Horus became the king of the Earth, the God of War
That's the story I read, now, I'm going to write the list of the Gods and Goddesses :
Ammut, the Crocodile Goddess. Also known as Ammit, Ahemait, the "Devourer of the Dead" and Ammit the Devourer. Ammut helped Anubis with carrying out the Judgements
Anput, goddess of the seventeenth Nome of Upper Egypt Mother of Kebechet and wife of Anubis.
Anubis, the God of Funerals and Death, jackal headed God
Anuket, the Goddess of River Nile
Apophis, the God of Chaos and War.
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Babi, the Baboon God
Bast, the Cat Goddess
Bes, the Dwarf God
Geb, the Earth God
Gengen-Wer, the Goose God
Hapi, the God of Nile
Hathor, the Goddess of Love
Heket, the Frog Goddess
Horus, the God of War, son of Osiris and Isis, eagle headed God
Isis, the Goddess of Magic, wife of her brother Osiris and Mother of Horus
Kebechet, the Goddess Purification, also known as the wandering goddess, or the lost child
Khepri, the Scarab God, Ra's aspect in the morning
Khnum, the Ram-Headed God, Ra's aspect at sunset in the underworld
Khonsu, the Moon God
Ma'at, the God of Justice and Order
Mekhit, minor Lion Goddess, married to Onuris
Nekhbet, the Vulture Goddess
Nephthys, the River Goddess, married to her brother Seth
Nut, the Sky Goddess
Osiris, the God of the Underworld, husband of his sister Isis and father of Horus, the blue skinned God
Ptah, the God of Craftsmen
Ra, the Sun God, the God of Order. Also known as Amun-Ra
Sekhmet, the Lion Goddess
Serqet, the Goddess of Scorpion
Seshat, the Goddess of Writing and Measurement
Seth, the God of Evil, married to his sister Nephthys
Shu, the Air God
Sobek, the Crocodile God
Tawaret, the Hippo Goddess
Thoth, the God of Knowledge. Also known as djehuti
Wadjet, the Goddess of Protection
That's all, I'm sorry if I made some mistakes there, I'll say it one more time, I'm not the master of history, nor archaeologist, I just wrote it based on books and internet..
Thank you for all of you who read this article. I hope this article will be useful. Until then.^^
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